Ready for Takeoff in 3, 2, 1...
The new Transtar1.com has launched!
We’re proud to announce the launch of the redesigned and retooled Transtar1.com! Transtar is dedicated to being a trusted partner who always delivers on our promise of superior parts, expert knowledge and exceptional service. Our new site is a terrific showcase of what we stand for as a company, with the focus, as always, on helping you. To make it even easier to use, our new site is “responsively designed,” meaning that you can use your smartphone or tablet to quickly find what you need, just as if you were using a desktop or laptop computer.
To celebrate the launch of our new website, visit Transtar1.com and register to receive a FREE mouse pad!
The Fast & the Fuel-Efficient 8
We love Vin Diesel, but believe us, he is no match for our product manager for soft parts and kits, Eric Fassnacht. As eight-, nine- and ten-speed automatic transmissions begin to hit the market, Eric discusses how Transtar rebuild kits help give you the best of both worlds—a transmission with additional speeds and minimal weight gain.
You Asked, We Listened
The new Transtar1.com was designed with you in mind. We asked YOU, our customers, how we can improve our website to make your job easier. From improved parts lookup to added images for part identification, your feedback sparked improvements we know you’ll love.
Training for the Marathon of Customer Service
Maybe we aren’t all long-distance runners, but Transtar’s sales reps truly go the distance to keep you ahead of the curve. Transtar takes pride in being an educator for its customers, and with the introduction of our new learning management software – SmartTeam – Transtar is ready to deliver the high-tech support you need.