

Protect your reputation, and your customers’ transmissions, by installing a transmission cooler during a rebuild. The ideal operating temperature for the transmission and fluid is between 160 and 200 degrees Fahrenheit. Transmission fluid cannot be over-cooled, so adding an aftermarket cooler would be a good idea as factory coolers can be inadequate for towing applications.

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Use a Transmission Cooler if you:

  • Tow boats, trailers or fifth wheels
  • Drive in stop-and-go traffic
  • Climb steep grades
  • Drive in hot weather
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Transmission Coolers


TruCool_Coolers.pngPreserve the life of your transmission and improve towing performance with a transmission cooler. Protect your vehicle's warranty or simply give your vehicle a boost with a simple to use addition to any towing set up. Push on fittings and three mounting positions ensure a hassle-free installation, while varying performance levels allow you to match the transmission cooler to your specific towing needs.


Cooler/Warmer Adapters

Transtar carries adapters that allow you to bypass the OE cooler / warmer that is on the transmission for use with a stand alone cooler.


  • Yes. Always choose one of the larger Hayden coolers when eliminating the radiator cooler to compensate for the loss of cooling from the radiator. In most installations we recommend use of the radiator tank cooler to provide maximum cooling and to comply with most manufacturers warranties.

  • Hayden recommends installing the auxiliary cooler after the radiator to return the coolest fluid directly to the transmission. Installing the cooler before the radiator will still provide additional cooling and may be necessary in some difficult access applications.

  • Transmissions are not highly sensitive to cool operating temperatures. However, in sub-zero (20-30° F) weather conditions transmission fluid can actually gel up in an external cooler and cease to flow, causing damage. Use of the radiator cooler actually helps warm the fluid under these conditions. It is critical in extreme cold conditions to use the original equipment cooler in series with the auxiliary cooler and allow the vehicle to warm up before driving.