Transtar Part Number: 126004,126006A.12600B
126004 – Master kit w/o steels. This kit includes all of the gaskets and seals, OEM friction plates, and OEM bonded clutch pistons to rebuild the Ford 6R140 transmission. This kit is for trucks with either a gas or diesel engine. 126006A – Master kit w/ steels. This kit includes all of the gaskets and seals, OEM friction plates, OEM bonded clutch pistons, and steel plates to rebuild the Ford 6R140 transmission. This kit is for trucks with a gasoline engine. 126006B – Master kit w/ steels. This kit includes all of the gaskets and seals, OEM friction plates, OEM bonded clutch pistons, and steel plates to rebuild the Ford 6R140 transmission. This kit is for trucks with a diesel engine.
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